Image for Hotelgäste

Donnerstag, 09 März, 2006 - 22:30


Derek Shirley (bass)
Dave Bennett (guitar)
Michael Thieke (clarinet, zither)

"The density they
mention is surely an important factor in their music, as in each of the six
tracks the music is close together. Maybe Hotelgäste set upon an atmosphere, or
perhaps a sort of sound, in which they want each player to sound alike. This
tight knitting of sounds is not as silent as some of the other current
improvisers, and also the treatment of their instruments as objects is not as
close as some of the current players in the scene, but it's remotely away from
regular playing of the instruments, i.e. it's somewhat harder to recognize the
origins of each instruments. This makes this CD into quite a pleasure to hear:
improvised enough, but also a bit composed, played freely among tight plans,
crossing the boundaries of old and new improvisation. Quite nice!“Frans de Waard, VITAL
WEEKLY 09/2005

As part of the series biegungen im ausland

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